![]() Just want to say, my babe had a severe grade 4 tongue and lip tie, revised twice: at 4 weeks and then at 5 weeks. His suck was uncoordinated, he couldn't even keep a bottle in his mouth, and even through a shield he chomped my nipples so hard and caused such extensive damage that they're still not healed now nearly 4 months later. The stretches were tough, no one likes to hear their baby cry. And even though we tried everything (multiple Lactation Consultant visits, driving out of state for Craniosacral Therapy Sessions, supplemental nursing systems, shields, suck training, syringe feeding, and I could go on) for three solid months, he was never able to breastfeed. I exclusively pump now. Yet, I still consider revision the best parenting decision I have ever made. My son is a new baby. He's happy, he sleeps peacefully, he can suck down a bottle and be content, no more crying fits whenever it's time to feed him. His reflux is so much better, gas is a thing of the past, and he's gaining weight and thriving. Every time I see his sweet chub, I'm so grateful that we revised. Don't be discouraged!
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July 2015