Welcome to Advocates for Tongue-Tie Education!
The Provider Toolkit is a compilation of forms (information sheets, consent forms, history forms, etc) used by dentists/physicians who perform frenotomies/frenectomies. The intended audience is professionals headed down the path of providing these services. In order to respect the providers who have donated these materials, we will only release the password to professionals whose credentials would allow frenotomies/ frenectomies. Other credentials will be considered on a case by case basis if one can demonstrate they work closely with a provider (dentist/physician) who is currently practicing these procedures accordingly. After filling out the form below, your information will be screened to ensure you meet this criteria. Please include any additional information to make this screening process as easy as possible (ex. web address, work e-mail, etc)
The materials on this site are intended for distribution for furthering education. For access, please fill out the following information click SUBMIT. Thank You!
Want to be added to the INTERNATIONAL PROVIDER LIST? CLICK HERE to fill out the Provider Questionnaire form.
The materials on this site are intended for distribution for furthering education. For access, please fill out the following information click SUBMIT. Thank You!
Want to be added to the INTERNATIONAL PROVIDER LIST? CLICK HERE to fill out the Provider Questionnaire form.